Monday, August 3, 2009

Terrific Trees Treasure Hunt - Set No. 3 - Muir Woods

These were taken on a walk through the incredible Muir Woods two days before our fourth child was born.


Pam of Always Artistic said...

Beautiful, I love tall trees, I have never seen any so big that I can remember! Hey I think it's neat how the 2nd tree twists!

audrey said...

Wow, those are some large trees - beautiful and mighty.

StarMountainDreams said...

WOw, these look big!

readingsully2 said...

I have been here too and these shots are gorgeous. This place is amazing.

smellyrhinostudio said...

more redwoods!! sooo pretty! I wish I had gotten in on your fun little hop!

Noble Beeyotch said...

How tall are those treeS! OMG

Allie said...

They are redwoods in Muir Woods, just north of San Francisco. They really are huge - here is a cool link about Muir Woods:
with some info on their height

"Did You Know?
Coastal redwood trees have indeterminate growth. The tallest recorded to date is 379.1 feet tall or 115.5 meters. This is the same height as a 35 story building."

It is a lovely and easy walk (not really a hike). It will always hold a special place in my heart since we were there right before we had our fourth child!