Monday, August 3, 2009

Terrific Trees Treasure Hunt - Set No. 6 - Fairy Tales and Dreams

Once Upon A Time

Looking In



These images remind me of fairy tales, whimsical stories, dreams....The top image is from The Arboretum in Santa Cruz, California. The second and third images are from The botanical gardens in Ft. Bragg, California. The last photo was taken in San Francisco near the Palace of Fine arts.

There is one more set, so click on "older posts" to get there!


Pam of Always Artistic said...

These are all beautiful! I LOVE this first picture, it looks like you are about to enter a secret happy place!

audrey said...

They just keep getting better. I love the WONDERLAND picture - I would love to be able to go there whenever I need time alone.

readingsully2 said...

Amazing and these do feel like fantasy photos. :)

Noble Beeyotch said...

This has to be my fav of the lot!

so whimsical!

Allie said...

Thank you all so much! ♥

I agree, Pam - the Arboretum in Santa Cruz is amazing - really.

I think so too, Audrey - wouldn't that be wonderful!

Carole and Pam - I am glad that you like them!