Comment at least once at each of the 6 blogs by November 6th at 12am EST to be eligible to win 1 or more ACEO's, one winner will be chosen from each blog.
From my earliest memories, I have had a fascination with nature - the details, the textures, the colors. My loving mother tolerated box after box of seashells, rocks, nuts, feathers, abandoned nests. She (and anyone who has ever spent any time with me) tolerated my endless stopping to get a closer look, to touch, to take a picture. I still find pressed flowers in our books. My Nana (my maternal grandmother) can name any flower or tree, can grow anything, and she, along with my mother fostered in me wonder and awe for the world God has given us. I am thrilled and very grateful to see this same fascination in my own children!
I could go on and on (and on).....but I won't! Some of my favorites again......

Muir Woods

Fairy Tale Pumpkins

Marin Headlands

Botanical Gardens Fort Bragg, California

Blue and White

Coral poppy

wonderland (also in Fort Bragg, Ca)

Mr. MacGregor's Garden (kale at the botanical gardens, Ft. Bragg, Ca, and yes, I am a huge Beatrix Potter fan! )