Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I ♥ Faces! Week 38: Blue

I stumbled on an incredible photography blog, I ♥ Faces. Please check out this weeks photography challenge, "Blue," and enter your favorite photo. Winners are chosen each week!

This is my son, on a hot day at our local botanical gardens. His facial expression reminds me of Ed Asner as Archie Bunker. He really looks like my father in this photograph, too, which makes me smile.

To learn more about the I ♥ Faces blog and their weekly photography challenges, and to view all the other wonderful entries, click the links or the button above.

Have a great Tuesday!

xo, allie

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Blog Your Blessings Sunday

I feel blessed to be so close to our incredible botanical gardens. We go often, and everyone enjoys it. We get some exercise, we are out in the sunshine, and there are so many beautiful and interesting animals and plants to see. Joy! What is one of your favorite places to go

For more info on how to participate in Blog Your Blessings Sunday, look here, or click on the button above!

Enjoy your Sunday!

And please take a minute to vote in my poll to the right! Thank you!

xo, allie

Sunday Citar

Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns. ~George Eliot

October gave a party;
The leaves by hundreds came -
The Chestnuts, Oaks, and Maples,
And leaves of every name.
The Sunshine spread a carpet,
And everything was grand,
Miss Weather led the dancing,
Professor Wind the band.
~George Cooper, "October's Party"

white Cinderella pumpkin (they also come in orange and multicolored varieties)

fairytale pumpkin

Fall is my very favorite time of year. A trip to the garden center, and we were in pumpkin heaven. I don't remember this many varieties when I was little. They even have Cinderella, Fairytale and ghost pumpkins now! What fun! What is your favorite part of fall?

Thank you for stopping by Sunday Citar! This blog quote meme was created by Fresh Mommy. You can stop by her blog to see the quotes and photos that she and everyone else is loving right now.

Have a terrific Sunday!

xo, allie

Saturday, September 26, 2009

New work and new products coming soon!

I have recently added tiny little photo blocks to my shop. They are 2.5 inches square, and are ready to hang or stack on your shelf or desk. I purchased the wood blocks from the incredible Annie Howes, www.AnnieHowes.etsy.com. They are solid birch, and perfect for decorating with your photos and artwork.

little bird photo block triptych

sunflower photo block

I have also been working on some new photo collages

Fun, fun, fun....

Love Bug

As I expand my shop offerings, I would love your opinions...Please take a minute to vote in my poll to the right about upcoming products I am considering, and it would be great if you could visit my shop, and let me know which prints you would like featured on my new products.

Thank you, and have a great weekend!

:), allie

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Blog Your Blessings Sunday

One of my most favorite parts of being a mommy is seeing our children enjoying themselves, figuring out something new, exploring. I am also so grateful for the quiet little moments - when he doesn't know I'm watching him, when he is totally immersed in what he is doing. There is a tenderness I feel at these times that I really can't express fully with words. I realize in these moments how truly blessed I am.

For more information on Blog Your Blessing Sunday and to see more uplifting blessings and incredible photography, look here.

Enjoy your Sunday! And God bless!

xo, allie

Sunday Citar

Thank you for stopping by Sunday Citar! This blog quote meme was created by Fresh Mommy. You can stop by her blog to see the quotes and photos that she and everyone else is loving right now.

I believe that uncertainty is really my spirit's way of whispering,
"Im in flux. I can't decide for you. Somethi
ng is off-balance here." ~ Oprah Winfrey

As some of you know, I am struggling right now with striking a balance and with making some decisions regarding my business efforts. The quote from Oprah really struck a cord with me, and put my uncertainty into a more positive and accepting light.

Enjoy your Sunday, and thank you for stopping by!
:), allie

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Thank You!

Good morning, everyone! I wanted to say a very big "thank you" to everyone who encouraged me to participate, and to those who came by to see me during Birmingham's Artwalk. I truly appreciate your kind words, phone calls and visits. It was a great experience, and I am thankful to have been able to participate. (I was thrilled that my tag read "Artist - Artwalk 2009"!) I am amazed and humbled by people's reactions to my work, and it is always interesting to hear their thoughts and the stories they share.

A few pictures....

Our booth

The easel KC set up for me

Morris Avenue - our booth location

A cool doorway

Our booth was in a great location - outside in a parking lot near refreshments and entertainment. I shared this area with several other incredibly talented and kind artists. We so enjoyed meeting them and sharing information about other regional art shows, online sales venues and even simple tips about setting up and taking down our booths. You may learn more about three of the other artists I met, Ahmad Austin, Mary Margaret Binkley, and Tracey Lewis, by clicking on their names below to visit their websites.

Ahmad Austin
Mary Margaret Binkley
Tracey Lewis

Here are a few more photos from our weekend....

A very talented young dancer

Bagpipers - Amazing Grace was my favorite song they played - haunting

Again, a very heartfelt thank you to everyone who made Artwalk possible for me this year - my incredibly supportive husband, my parents, my sister-in-law, my Aunt Linda and my friends who keep telling me "Yes, you can do this!" (especially my Etsy POE peeps) Thank you for believing in me!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009