Sunday, September 27, 2009

Blog Your Blessings Sunday

I feel blessed to be so close to our incredible botanical gardens. We go often, and everyone enjoys it. We get some exercise, we are out in the sunshine, and there are so many beautiful and interesting animals and plants to see. Joy! What is one of your favorite places to go

For more info on how to participate in Blog Your Blessings Sunday, look here, or click on the button above!

Enjoy your Sunday!

And please take a minute to vote in my poll to the right! Thank you!

xo, allie


Distressing Delilah a.k.a. jenn said...

Hi Allie, beautiful 'blessings'!

Pam of Always Artistic said...

Beautiful post! That would be wonderful to be so close to such a beautiful place!

readingsully2 said...

Great stuff, Allie.

Allie said...

Thank you very much for stopping by, Jenn, Pam and Carole! Pam - I'd go every day if I could work that out! :)

Allie said...

Also, I scattered some of my mother's ashes there (she was also a photographer and LOVED flowers), so it is especially meaningful to me to be there.

Pam of Always Artistic said...

What a great place to scatter her ashes, I am sure she would have loved it.